Posts tagged Microcontroller

Kalman Filter for orientation estimation with MPU9250

Kalman Filter was proposed by Rudolph E.Kalman in 1960, it is the optimal estimator (linear systems) for a large class of problems. It produces estimates of unknown variables given a sequence of previous measurements, even if these measurements contain noise.

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How to calibrate a magnetometer & accelerometer (MPU9250)

The magnetometer is a device that measures the direction and strength of magnetism. As we all know, compass is a famous type of magnetometer which tells the orientation by measuring the Earth’s magnetic field. Here I will present three methods to calibrate the magnetometer, one is simple and straight forward and the other two utilize Least-Squares estimation, which can be done offline or online.

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How to read data from MPU9250

This article aims at reading data from the MPU9250. It only covers how to get the raw data from the MPU9250. I’d like to post another article about how to calibrate the MPU9250.

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Write your own I²C library

I was learning to build a drone recently, which requires me to know how to use I²C protocol. I decided to write my experience down and hope it can help others.

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